Walder Science Center Kitchen Science Forums

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Using Refrigerator and Freezer Thermometers

How efficiently is your refrigerator or freezer cooling? How efficient are you in ensuring that your vegetables at the back of your fridge are not becoming a wilted mess from freezing or your refrigerator milk spoiling prematurely from a warm environment? Have you set your freezer to the coldest setting? Maybe you’re burning energy needlessly because your stored food as frozen just as well at a lower setting?

Use thermometers in your refrigerator and freezers. The dials on the back of the appliance only raise or lower the temperature. They do not indicate what the internal temperature is. Besides, are you aware that in different seasons you need to adjust the dial to maintain the same internal temperature?

Using thermometers is the only way to make sure that you are using your appliance correctly and maintaining the proper internal temperature.

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