Walder Science Center Kitchen Science Forums

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Program Schedule Survey

The Walder Science Learning Center has initiated a new program called Kitchen Science.

Participants in the program learn science and math from cooking and baking and in the process learn techniques by which they can produce better culinary and baked products. 

For example, what is the process of leavening? Creating structure in a dough by filling it with bubbles. Bubbles of what? Generally carbon dioxide. How do you produce the bubbles? Either biologically with little live creatures called yeast who eat the grain sugars and excrete gas. Or chemically with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) that reacts with acids in the food. Or water moisture that evaporates into gas with the heat introduced by the oven. By the way, it’s the little critters in the 5 grains that the Torah forbids on Pesach. And if it’s baking soda, it makes a difference whether you’re baking the cake in Chicago or in Denver, the mile high city. Because in Denver, there is less atmospheric pressure than in Chicago which means that you need less soda in Denver than in Chicago to produce the same bubbles. Also Volume vs. Weight (Mass); Centrigrade vs. Farenheit; Dry vs. Liquid measures. And all types of interesting stuff like that.

Adults have also expressed an interest in Kitchen Science. With the school age participants, we plan to go heavy on the science and light on cooking/baking skills. That’s because they are in school and are supposed to be learning science and math. It will be the reverse for adults. Light on the science and math with a greater focus on using the math/science knowledge to whip up a better cake or roast.

The school age program will span 5th through 8th grades and will have separate girls and boys sessions. All adults will meet together in the adult program.

I will supervise all sessions. Accordingly, sessions will be offered during the weeks that I’m in Chicago. My current schedule is: 3 weeks in Chicago followed by 3 weeks in Israel (where I now live). The next time I’m in Chicago will be from Dec. 30th until Jan. 20th so I’d like to find out what interest exists as soon as possible to that I can schedule and prepare sessions with my staff. We already had 3 pilot sessions with school children during November and the program was very well received. We’d like to build on that. And we hope to start the same type of program in Israel. Assisting me in the program are professional cooks and bakers.

In order to formulate a schedule that will serve the majority of interested participants, please answer the following questions if you, your spouse/significant other, or your child are interested in trying this program out. Whatever price will be minimal and will go to pay for supplies.

Thanks for all your help.
Question #1 – Which day(s) of the week would you prefer the adult program? Please answer with more than one.

Question #2 – What time of day would you prefer the adult program, Morning, Afternoon, or Night? Please rank the three.

Question #3 – Which day(s) of the week would you prefer the girls program? Please answer with more than one.

Question #4 – What time of day would you prefer the girls program, Morning, Afternoon, or Night? Please rank the three.

Question #5 – Which day(s) of the week would you prefer the boys program? Please answer with more than one.

Question #6 – What time of day would you prefer the boys program, Morning, Afternoon, or Night? Please rank the three.

# of Adults interested:

# of Children interested:

Grades of interested children:

Contact Info

Thank you for all your help. PLEASE send this email to anyone who you believe would desire to hear about this program.

Rabbi Heschel Weiner

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