Walder Science Center Kitchen Science Forums

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dry Measurements in Parshat BeShalach בשלח

Here's the answer to the quiz question from January 2....
The dry volumes listed in BeShalach were the 'Omer' and the 'Efah'. The Bnei Yisrael collected the manna at the rate of 1 Omer per family member; 2 on Yom Hashishi - Friday, in preparation for Shabbat. None on Shabbat. The story ends teaching us that 1 Omer is equal to 1/10 (one tenth) of an Efah. If you divided an Efah into 10 equal volume parts, each part equaled the same volume of 1 Omer. Therefore, 1 Efah is ten times the volume as that of 1 Omer. 1/10 can also be written as .1 or 10%

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